Woman from Deep River 1981

director: Umberto Lenzi  




Alternative Titles

  • Die Rache der Kannibalen
  • Make Them Die Slowly
  • Cannibal Ferox


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Available on VHSAvailable on Betamax

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Distributor Video Classics
Catalogue Number 101042
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Printed Classification R
User Reviews:
by lastmarine
It maybe easy to simply label Cannibal Ferox as director Umberto Lenzi's sub-par, cash-in on Deodato's blockbuster Cannibal Holocaust. But as a fan of exploitation and extreme cinema, don't ignore this movie completely as there is still alot to enjoy here. Remember we're talking about a film with only one purpose; too [i]outgross [/i](excuse the pun) probably the worlds most violent and offensive film of its time. Though arguably Ferox fails too out do its elder brother on nearly all accounts, it still gives a pretty damn good effort on the gore front. Mindless, grotesque violence, mutilation, sexual degredation all served up with appauling acting, hallarious script and 'face-palm' directing. Just how any great explotation horror should be.