The Prize of Peril 1984

director: Yves Boisset  



France, Yugoslavia

Alternative Titles

  • Le prix du danger



In the ultimate TV game show millions want to see him die.
Stay alive for four hours and win $1,000,000. Would you dare to enter the TV game of the future? The prize of success is enormous... you're a millionaire. The price of failure is catastrophic... you're dead. This is the ultimate TV game. A million is at risk... and millions are prepared to risk all for a million. This definitely is not a game for a laugh. Three contestants have already tried but failed to snatch television's richest reward. But only minutes away from glory they have each been brutally butchered by baying barbarians. Yet again, one man stands alone against his five persecutors... but this time he plays by his own rules. This is a terrifying prophetic story... and it could become your brutal reality sooner than you think.


Available on VHSAvailable on Betamax

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Distributor Brent Walker
Catalogue Number BW26
Release Series
Release Date March 1984
Printed Classification
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