Simon, King of the Witches 1971

director: Bruce Kessler  



United States



The Evil Spirit must choose Evil...
The Black Mass... The Spells... The Incantations... The Curses... The Ceremonial Sex...

Meet "Simon The Warlock"... or male witch living in a storm drain. Simon, will tell your fortune, make your dreams come true, lay a curse on all men... and kill. Simon wants to be a god with the aid of a magic mirror energised by his body. Building up the charge with the help of District Attorney's daughter "Linda", Simon loses his body in an erotic fantasy. Simon then succeeds in attaining the required power with the help of a homosexual... he has to enter the mirror at a precise time and then he can rule all spirits of the earth. Murdered by his own friends Simon knows that "Death is only temporary" he will be back as a "Great God."

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Distributor IFS (Iver Film Services)
Catalogue Number EE30112
Release Series
Release Date January 1981
Duration: 84m 49s
Printed Classification
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