Age of Innocence 1977

director: Alan Bridges  



Canada, Great Britain

Alternative Titles

  • Ragtime Summer
  • Summer Rain



Englishman Henry Buchanan (David Warner) takes a teaching job in Canada to escape persecution as a pacifist in the 1914-18 war. But he is soon facing a new moral dilemma when he falls in love with Clarissa (Trudy Young), the 20-year-old daughter of the headmaster (Cec Linder). The relationship deepens, despite the blandishments of his colleagues, the allure of the wealthy but lonely Mrs Boswell (Honor Blackman) and the mounting jealousy of Clarissa's childhood sweetheart (Tim Henry) And when Henry makes the mistake of voicing his pacifist views, he finds himself being persecuted all over again.


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Distributor Rank
Catalogue Number V0067C
Release Series
Release Date 1982
Duration: 96m 27s
Printed Classification
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