The Wind in the Willows 1983

director: Brian Cosgrove   Mark Hall  



Great Britain



Since its first publication in 1908, Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows has become a best-seller thoughout [sic] the world. In this unique programme, the award-winning animators of Cosgrove Hall bring Grahame's characters, Badger, Mole, Ratty and the flamboyant Toad of Toad Hall, magically to life in a beautiful setting reminiscent of the Edwardian country scene they represent Scripted by Rosemary Anne Sisson, already famous for her work on Upstairs, Downstairs, with music composed by Malcolm Rowe and Keith Hopwood, the programme reflects the supreme quality of a truly professional team, with all the fun and enchantment of a fairy tale adventure.


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Distributor Thames (Thorn EMI)
Catalogue Number TVE 901937 2
Release Series
Release Date October 1984
Printed Classification
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