Polyester 1981

director: John Waters  



United States



The only video you can smell
SO FUNNY... IT'LL BLOW YOUR NOSE! A simple tale of ordinary American family folk, Francine an everyday 20 stone American wife and mother, Elmer a white Protestant porno palace proprietor, Lulu a typical flower of American girlhood and Dexter a plain average psycho American kid - but like ordinary people everywhere life is not all roses. Elmer finds himself a girl, Lulu finds herself a boy, Dexter finds himself a foot and Francine finds herself a bottle! Will she forsake it, will her ex-cleaning lady Cuddles and her mystery Chauffeur Hans notice strange white numbers flashing up on the corner of your television screen and will you dare to scratch number 6?


Available on VHSAvailable on Betamax

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Coverscan of Polyester
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Distributor Arcade (VideoSpace)
Catalogue Number AV010
Release Series
Release Date December 1982
Duration: 82m 39s
Printed Classification
Notes With ?scratch and sniff' card
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