13 results, Videos directed by Joe Sherman | ||||
Title | Distributor | Catalogue Number | Film Country | Year |
Behind the Scenes of an Adult Movie | TCX | TCX853 | United States | 1981 |
Blond Next Door, The | Cal Vista | CVV023 | United States | 1982 |
Expose Me Now | Harmony | HA46 | United States | 1982 |
Inspirations | TCX | TCX840 | United States | 1982 |
Miss Magnificent | Roxy | RX06 | United States | 1979 |
Moments of Love | TCX | TCX846 | United States | 1983 |
Moments of Love | TCX | TCX846 | United States | 1983 |
Ms. Magnificent | Video Gems | United States | 1979 | |
Plato's - The Movie | TCX | TCX839 | United States | 1980 |
Plato's - The Movie | Video Gems | United States | 1980 | |
Plato's - The Movie | Home Video Supplies | HVS077 | United States | 1980 |
Plato's - The Movie | Select Essex | United States | 1980 | |
Super Harmony 11: Expose Me Now | Harmony | HA20 | United States | 1982 |
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